Tuesday, August 12, 2008

USA!! USA!! USA!! (and other quick thoughts from the Olympics)

  • If Michael Phelps gets his 8 gold medals in Beijing, he has to be put in the same category as Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan and Lance Armstrong as the best athlete in his respective sport. (He also owes Jason Lezak a Ferrari)
  • If I had 6 months of training, I could compete in the dressage portion of equestrian. For those who don't follow the sport, here's a synopsis: all you have to do is hop on a horse, put on a top hat and trot your horse around some sand for a few minutes. That's right, they actually give out medals for this.
  • There's no way the Chinese girl gymnasts are as old as the government says they are. The Chinese really gave their age away when they drank juice boxes and ate orange slices between routines.
  • This US Men's Basketball team is focused and ready to win gold. From all reports, they're doing and saying all the right things off the court. All this team needs to do is stay focused and play hard (so far so good) and the gold medal is theirs. When this group of talent decides they want to play well, no one in the world can beat them. (see: Greece and world-champion Spain)
  • The color commentators for gymnastics need to stop praising the Chinese so much (they're good, we get it) and over-analyzing every single mistake in the competition, especially from the US.
  • Is it just me or is the music before commercials during USA basketball games from the late 90's NBC broadcasts of the NBA? It'd be awesome if it was, that's the best theme music from any NBA broadcast. Either way, here's a link to nostalgia.

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